Dear Colleagues!

As part of promoting the qualifications of educational psychologist of educational organizations on the issues of education and upbringing of children within the conditions of inclusive education, S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University is planning to conduct a practical course “Modern approaches to the organization of the work of an educational psychologist in inclusive education” from June 3 to June 8 of this year, volume 72 hours.

Upon completion of the course, participants will form competencies, knowledge and understanding of:

- theoretical and methodological foundations of inclusive education;

- concepts of interaction with a psychologist, psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities, forms of work, methods;

- peculiarities of the activity of the educational psychologist in the conditions of inclusive education;

- recommendations for optimizing the interaction of the educational psychologist within an inclusive education.

Training is conducted by Kudarova Nazgul Abilbekovna, Nurgaliyeva Murshida Elubaevna senior lecturers, masters of the department “Psychology and Pedagogy” of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The cost of the course is 9000 tenge. At the end of the course, students will receive certificates of advanced training.


Application for training

“Modern approaches to the organization of the work of an educational psychologist in inclusive education”

Name fully according to identity card

Place of work, occupation

E-mail, contact information, mobile phone

Form of participation




Applications for participation, please sent by e-mail: until May 30, 2019. Training will be carried out as students are recruited. In order to organize the preparation and conduct of advanced training, we ask you to submit an application in advance.

Payment details: Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Use “S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University”, Pavlodar, Lomov Street, 64, BIN 990 140 004 654

1. “Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC, IIC KZ 15 6010 2410 0000 3308, BIC HSBKKZKX, Beneficiary Code 16, payment purpose code 861, “For advanced training courses”

2. “Tsesnabank” JSC, BIC TSESKZKA, IIC KZ57998FTB0000003310, Beneficiary Code 16, payment purpose code 861, “For advanced training courses”

Contact information of Advanced training center Pavlodar, Lomov Street, 64, S.Toraighyrov PSU, office А-217, phone 8 (7182) 67-36-65 (extension phone 11-82), mobile phone 8 707 6030281, 87056130659.

Yours respectfully, Advanced training center