“Toraigyrov University” operates 3 dormitories (Campus 1,2,3)


Campus 1 - Tolstoy St., 101

Campus 2 - Ak.Chokina St., 139/1.

Campus 3 - Lomova St. 64/2



                                                                  Every year, by decision of the Academic Council of the University,

                                                     students who are orphans and left without parental care, as well as disabled people

                                                                    of groups 1 and 2, are exempt from paying for accommodation!


Places in the dormitory are provided primarily to the following categories of students:

1) Orphan and left without parental care students

2) Students with disabilities

3) Students from a large family (4 or more children under 18 years old)

4) Students from low-income families

5) International students


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                                                                                                "Campus №1" - dormitory


(Campus №1, Tolstoy St., 101), consists of five floors, divided into three blocks. There are 162 rooms in total. Today, Campus №1 has 360 beds. Places in the dormitory are primarily provided to students from socially vulnerable sections of society, students studying on grants, and students from other regions of Kazakhstan and abroad also have priority when settling in.

To organize students' leisure time, the dormitory has an assembly hall with a projection TV, cable TV, a video and media library that is regularly replenished, a computer class, a gym and tennis room, and sports equipment.

On the territory of the Students' House, summer sports grounds, a streetball court were built, a horizontal bar, a Swedish wall, parallel bars, and a snake were installed.
A classroom is available to assist residential students. There is a reading room. The student house is under 24-hour security and video surveillance. The campus area has been landscaped: benches have been installed and flowers have been planted.



                                                                                               "Campus №2" - dormitory


Campus №2 was put into operation on October 20, 2015. Located at: st. Ak. Chokina, 139/1. In total, campus №2 has 220 rooms with a capacity of 500 beds. Each room is equipped with a sanitary unit and a shower tray, a kitchen area with a 2-burner stove, each room has the necessary furniture: beds, bookshelves, bedside tables, tables, chairs.




To organize students' leisure time, there is Wi-Fi, in the hall there is a TV equipped with satellite broadcasting OTAU TV, and there is a computer class.
There is a laundry service for residents. The campus is under 24-hour security; CCTV cameras are installed indoors and in the surrounding area.

An electronic access system is installed at the entrance. Equipped with a fire alarm system with signal output to the watch. An automatic voice warning system has been installed. There are more than 80 CCTV cameras on campus No. 2, which allows watchmen and security to monitor around the clock. All living rooms and common areas are equipped with modern automatic fire alarms. Meetings are regularly held with residents and staff to ensure that resident students comply with fire safety rules and practice actions in case of emergencies.


                                                                                              "Campus №3" - dormitory


Campus №3 Opened July 17, 2023. Located at: st. Lomova 64/2. In total, campus №3 has a capacity of 600 beds. The building is a 5-storey building consisting of two L-shaped corridor-type blocks with residential cells consisting of two double living rooms, a sanitary unit including a toilet, shower and washbasin, an entrance hall and a pre-cooking kitchen for cooking and heating food.






To organize students' leisure time, there is Wi-Fi, there is a TV in the hall, a computer lab, a meeting room, a reading room, and a buffet. The campus has rooms for people with disabilities and a medical center. The campus is under 24-hour security; CCTV cameras are installed indoors and in the surrounding area. All living rooms and common areas are equipped with modern automatic fire alarms.


Places in the dormitory are provided primarily to the following categories of students:

1) Orphan and left without parental care students students

2) Students with disabilities

3) Students from a large family (4 or more children under 18 years old)

4) Students from low-income families

5) International students


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