Students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University became the winners of the Oblast Intellectual Olympiad.

The event was organized by the Kenzhekol Zhastary Youth Association together with the Young Scientists Board of Pavlodar oblast with support from the Youth Policy Department of Pavlodar oblast. 

The competition gathered representatives of four HEIs of the oblast. Each team did its best to honorably represent its University. Students tried to comprehensively demonstrate their knowledge in various fields of science. 

According to the chairman of the Young Scientists Board of Pavlodar oblast Sagynysh Nurkimbayev, the peculiarity of today’s Olympiad is that tasks were given prior to the competition day. In the course of the Olympiad each team performed duties of reporters, opponents and reviewers.

“The Olympiad helps to develop the creative and innovative potential of young people, promotes their science-based engineering decision making, polemic and critical thinking skills,” said the moderator of the Olympiad, the head of the Department of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Gayni Seytenova. 

According to the results of the Olympiad, the New Universal Researches (NUR) student team of PSU including Arystan Yergebayev, Yerassyl Zharylghassym, Yerbolat Tazhkeyev, Valery Yessaulkov and Atabek Chimpulatov became the winner of the competition. 

The second place-prize was shared between K. Satpayev Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute and Innovative University of Eurasia. The team of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute won the third place of the competition.