Students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University have created a social project titled “Children visiting PSU”, which is aimed at rendering assistance to foster children from a family child care home of Pavlodar and supporting their social integration.

The idea of implementing the social project belongs to a senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy Irina Korovayko. Students, majoring in social work, have studied social project planning, learning concepts of model study in social work, under her supervision.

Students of S. Toraighyrov PSU conducted an excursion around the University for children from the family child care home within the framework of the above-named project. They visited the University’s museum, library, dining room, student work rooms, lecture rooms and laboratories of the Department of Electrical Power Engineering.

The University’s young guests were given presents as well. Students and the academic staff members of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy donated some books to the library of the family child care home. 

“The event brought them joy. Children’s faces were lit up with happiness. Future social workers gave handmade presents and a big openwork snowman as a New Year souvenir to children. At the end of the excursion children were shown favorite New Year’s cartoons. Students, participants of the project, have been convinced that rendering assistance to those in need is both necessary and pleasant work,” said Irina Vladimirovna.