The EXPO-2017 Volunteers Training Center of S. Toraighyrov PSU holds special training sessions in Kazakh and English.

During today's session, students shared information about volunteering at the specialized exhibition in Astana. Future volunteers discussed expected activities, such as working with the delegations, tours of the exhibition facilities and the city, organization of the Day for Cultural Diversity.

Aslan Oguzbayev, a teacher of English, told about the importance of studying English, one of the most frequently-spoken languages in the world. Good knowledge of English will help volunteers conduct their activities more effectively and communicate successfully. “English is a bridge for international and intercultural communication and cooperation during the forthcoming international event,” he said.

There was a training session in team-building, where future volunteers demonstrated their team-working skills and the ability to make decisions together. The teams played a game consisting of 9 stages (Crossing, Labyrinth, Braid, Skis, Golf, Orange, Spider Web, Pendulum, and Jumar). The task was to score as many points as possible. Despite the bad weather, the participants went through all the stages of the game. In the end, the team of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology was named the best.