A meeting with Murat Abenov, Chairman of the National Coordinating Council of the Youth Mangylyk Yel Program, and Mazhilis deputies Andrey Begeneyev and Meyram Begentayev took place at PSU.

The meeting attended by PSU students and staff was devoted to the results of the Serpin program implementation.

Murat Abenov, Andrey Begeneyev and Meyram Begentayev were introduced to the main activities carried out by the University, its faculties and research centers. The guests saw that the University improves its educational resources and facilities and also creates comfortable living conditions for non-resident students. Construction of a new dormitory for 500 students will soon be finished. Holders of state educational programs under the Serpin program will be provided with accommodation. They will also get employment assistance after graduation.

Murat Abenov praised the high level of quality of educational services offered by PSU. The quality of specialists' training is now a key factor in all sectors of the national economy. "Pavlodar State University is the undisputed leader in the field of education, it has a great potential. Students of this university make a worthy contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's economy," he said.

Meyram Begentayev, who also graduated from PSU, urged young people to get high-quality education in one of the top-priority directions. Serpin-2050 will help reduce the deficit of specialists at companies established under the State Program of Industrial and Innovative Development.

According to the President's Address (Nurly Zhol - Way to the Future), S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University is one of the 10 universities responsible for training specialists for implementation of the industrial and innovative projects. The University trains high-quality specialists in the following areas: energy sector, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and petrochemistry. The University creates all necessary conditions for its students to get profound knowledge in their respective fields: there is a Science and Technology Park (Yertis), Regional Center for Technology Transfer, regional website for innovation and research projects and 15 research centers. Students have internships at leading companies and organizations of the region under the dual education program. PSU is a multidisciplinary innovation-oriented university, a main source of manpower for the regional economy.

Photo by Rufina Torpischeva