A presentation devoted to the role of ethnic newspapers in the formation of Kazakhstani patriotism was held at S. Toraighyrov PSU by members of Birlik Student Assembly.

According to Ramil Smailov, Chairman of Birlik Student Assembly, the main purpose of the event is informing students about the newspapers published by ethnocultural centers of Kazakhstan, as well promoting the ideas put forward by the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

Active members of student associations of the University and students of the Department of Journalism took an active part in this event.

Gulfayruz Zhapekova, Head of the Department of the APK at S. Toraighyrov PSU, told about the influence of media on contemporary society. “Our country has a rich history of coexistence of different ethnic groups. It is important to promote diversity in media to make this idea clear for the general public,” she said.

Yelena Likhanova, a librarian of the Library of People of Kazakhstan at S. Toraighyrov PSU, told about the history of many ethnic newspapers and emphasized that such diversity contributes to the development of tolerant relations between different ethnic and cultural groups and communities.

Some newspapers published by Tatar, Armenian, Uzbek, Kurdish, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani and many other ethnocultural associations were shown during the presentation.

All participants of the event agreed that it is absolutely essential to support and promote the idea of diversity and multilingualism to make sure that representatives of all ethnic groups in our country feel comfortable and have equal rights.