A workshop held as a part of the International Conference on World, Person and Language took place at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The workshop was held in 2 sections: “Modern Theories in Linguistics and Linguistic Areas” and “Linguodidactic Aspects of Teaching Kazakh and Foreign Languages.”

The event was organized by the Сenter for the Kazakh Language Intensive Learning and Multilingual Education of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The problem of studying the language as a means of cognition and communication in a multicultural space is one of the most topical ones in modern linguistics and linguodidactics. The International Conference jointly organized by Donetsk National University, St. Petersburg Military Institute, Kemerovo State University, Volgograd State University, Udmurt State University, and S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University was devoted to this problem.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Philology Gulnaz Karipzhanova and Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language Ayman Zeynulina were moderators of the sections.

Linguists and school teachers from Pavlodar and the region were invited to take part in the event.

Zhanarsyn Kapenova, the coordinator of the workshop, says that every language is a great encyclopedia of human life and a depository of folk wisdom. “When studying a language, we should carry out an in-depth analysis and try to reach a profound understanding. This is especially important if we want to teach our students to think tolerantly, appreciate their mother tongue, and have a deep respect for other languages,” said Zhanarshyn Kapenova, Head of the Сenter for the Kazakh Language Intensive Learning and Multilingual Education.

Photo by Rufina Torpischeva