There were a lot of inspired, emotional recitations and plenty of excitement as S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University held its first Recitation Contest.

Participants of the competition recited some of the finest works by Kazakh and foreign authors, e.g. Zhuban Moldagaliyev, Mikhail Lermontov, Musa Dzhalil, etc.

According to Yernur Sagyntay, Student Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU, the competition is aimed at promoting poetry and providing opportunities for students to express themselves in the difficult art of recitation.

“The interest in our competition shown by students proves that it has a bright future. I think that we will increase the number of participants and perhaps find new forms of holding it,” said Akbota Sarybay, Chairperson of the Committee on Youth Affairs.

The responsibility for evaluating the participants' skills lies with the panel of judges headed by Ayman Zeynulina, Head of the Department of the Kazakh Language, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, and Gulvira Shaikova, Head of the Department of Russian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Aydana Abukhasen, an undergraduate student of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, was the winner. Expressive delivery, as well as the contestant’s deep understanding of the poem's meaning, author's thoughts and feelings impressed the judges. Pyotr Kabanov from the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology took the second prize, while Akmaral Yermanat finished third.

There were also some awards in special categories. Bayron Miras and Dina Anasova won the Audience Choice Award. Gulzhan Ishimova is the winner in the Love Note category; Sabina Sembayeva won the Internet Award, Zhamilya Zhumakhan is the holder of the Zhalkyn Award, while Nurizat Fatkulina received the Patriot Award.

Head of the Department of Russian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Gulvira Shaikova emphasized that the event was attended by representatives from all faculties of the University. This once again proves that poetry is interesting to different people. She also noted that, when evaluating the candidates, the judges of the competition paid attention not only to expressive reading, but also to the use of non-verbal means by the contestants, their artistry and ability to show the emotions felt by the characters of the recited poems. “Such events are definitely important nowadays, as they promote cultural education of students and contribute to the development of expressive reading skills. I believe that the interest in this competition will grow every year and the number of students interested in literature will grow with it,” said Gulvira Shaikova.

All winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and cash prizes, all participants received letters of appreciation and gifts.

Photo by Rufina Torpischeva