Members of the Foundation Faculty held an open lesson devoted to the celebration of Christmas and New Year in English-speaking countries.

The event was held in English by Aynash Aipova and Asem Kozhikova, lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages. Students demonstrated a good level of English, made reports on the history of Christmas, learned more about the culture of English-speaking countries, traditions, symbols, national dishes, legends and some other features of celebrating Christmas and New Year.

All students enjoyed singing Christmas songs and participating in special competitions and quizzes.

At the end of the lessons, the students congratulated everyone on the upcoming holidays in English and exchanged presents.

According Ayzhan Kuderina, Dean of the Foundation Faculty, such lessons help students develop greater respect for the culture of English-speaking countries and provide an opportunity to learn more about these countries.

"The Foundation Faculty has students from other countries. So it's essential for us to introduce our students to the culture, traditions and customs of other nations. Special attention is paid to learning English", says Ayzhan Kuderina.

This lesson was bright, fun and very informative. It opened the winter holidays season.