A meeting of the Inspiration book club devoted to the 135th birthday of one of the greatest poets of the Silver Age Anna Akhmatova took place in S. Beysembayev Scientific Library of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

Anna Akhmatova had to go through a lot in her lifetime, but still she managed to keep inner strength and inspiration that helped her write some great poems admired by many generations. During this poetry event, three muses performed for students: Euterpe, the muse of poetry (Zhamilya Zhumakhan from Agr-302), Melpomene, the muse of tragedy (Gulzhan Ishimova from Agr-302) and Clio, the muse of history (Aydana Pazylova from REiT-302), as well as an admirer and cotemporary of the poetess. All participants of the performance told about Anna Akhmatova's tragic fate and her poems written in different periods of life.

Then there was a competition for reciters of Anna Akhmatova's poems. There were many poems about love.

The competition winners are Zhamilya Zhumakhan (Agr-302), Mariya Polyakova (Fil(r)-402) and Gulzhan Ishimova (Agr-302). All of them received prizes. Other participants of the competition received small gifts for taking part in the event.

The event has shown that students are still interested in Anna Akhmatova's life and poems, thus proving that the great poetess was right when she said that ‘words live the longest’.