“We Choose a Healthy Lifestyle!” is the motto of the flash-mob which was held in the alley in front of the main academic building of S. Toraighyrov PSU on September 12, 2014.

The flash-mob was organized by the Student Philharmonic of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The purpose of the event was to promote conscious attitude to one's health, development of creative activities, and exerting emotional impact on the audience with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

“We Choose a Healthy Lifestyle!” was the motto of the flash-mob held by the Fantasy flash-mob group established at PSU this year. More than twenty members of the group performed a lively ten-minute dance to the accompaniment of popular music hits.

'Sticking to a healthy lifestyle is especially important in today's world. However, we should realize that a healthy lifestyle implies not only physical exercises in the morning, but also a number of other vital principles, including harmonious relations with close people, friends, colleagues and even strangers,’ said active members of the student community.

The flash-mob ended with an ovation from the audience. There is no doubt that this event brought positive emotions to all its participants.