Students of Tur-302 group majoring in tourism held a mid-term examination in Tourism and Excursion Objects of the World on May 15. The mid-term examination was held in the form of a theatrical performance entitled “Remote Traveling, Famous Sights of the World” with students wearing costumes of different nations.

The modern world is very diverse and multifaceted. Traveling to countries through the stories told by guides and video films, we recreate familiar images - the Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower, the Taj Mahal in India, Stonehenge in Britain, St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, the Opera House in Sydney, mosques of Morocco, etc.

At the beginning of the lesson, there was a training quiz for identifying the level of students' knowledge in this area. The most interesting part of the lesson was a complex description of important tourist excursion sites of the world called “What a Wonderful World”. Acting as guides, students gave presentation of the world's largest tourist sights.

At the end of the lesson, there was an intellectual quiz called “Brainstorming”. It was held in order to evaluate the knowledge and skills obtained during the lesson. The following methods were used during the lesson: role play, method of critical thinking (brainstorming), information technology, the principle of clarity and polylingualism.

According to Gulmarzhan Kasenova, a senior lecturer of the Department of Geography and Tourism of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, students got a lot of positive impressions, activated their cognitive interest through the study of famous sights of the world. 'They are future specialists in tourism, so it's essential for them to keep studying that area, as it has no limits. Today they've had a remote journey, but very soon they might visit these places for real', said Gulmarzhan Kasenova.