A meeting with the Dean of the School of Engineering, Nazarbayev University, Professor Alfred Bliek and Deputy Dean of the School of Engineering Sergey Mikhalovskiy took place in S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University on May 16, 2014.

The purpose of such meetings is conducting explanatory work among the leading higher education institutions of the country, as well as providing information about the academic programs offered by the University.

The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Machine Building and Transport, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor Toleugazy Toktaganov, Dean of the Faculty of Energy Engineering, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor Aleksandr Kislov, Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology, Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences Nurlybek Ispulov, academic staff members, undergraduate and graduate students of the University.

Alfred Bliek described Master's and Doctoral degree programs developed by Nazarbayev University.

The guests told about the duration of study, competition requirements and living conditions. Students were able to ask any questions regarding the entrance examinations. Members and students of PSU received detailed information on admission and studies at Nazarbayev University.