A nation-wide seminar on Proper Coverage of the Situation with Human Rights in Kazakhstan by Journalist was held in S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The main objective of the seminar is teaching the basics of human rights, freedom of speech protection mechanisms, and specific aspects of publications preparation to young journalists, drawing public attention to the human rights problems and legal issues in mass media of the RK.

Head of Legal Media Center PF Diana Okremova and media lawyer Gulmira Berzhanova shared their vision of these topical problems with undegraduate and graduate students of the Department of Journalism of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism, Candidate of Philological Sciences Zhanarka Ibrayeva emphasized that such events are of great importance for future professionals in the field of mass media, especially in the light of the XII Eurasian Media Forum held in Astana. 'We hope that the knowledge obtained owing to this seminar will be useful for our students and they will be able to put them into practice in their professional activity,' said Zhanarka Ibrayeva.