Based on the decision made by the Accreditation Board of Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) dated February 21, 2014, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University received certificates of specialized accreditation for 15 educational programs offered by the University.

Establishment of a multi-level system of education quality assessment is one of the trends of the Bologna process. Therefore, the accreditation process promotes the use of foreign experience in Kazakhstan education system. This is one of the key requirements for integration into the international educational space.

The Rector of Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Serik Omirbayev emphasized, ‘Active international positioning of the University is an important strategic aspect of its development in the context of implementation of the Bologna process parameters. Institutional and specialized accreditations are among the basic mechanisms in this filed. Moreover, accreditation of higher education institutions is an important innovative tool for evaluating the quality of education in a particular institution.’