An Open Day for prospective students from the city schools was held in the Concert Hall of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University on February 28, 2014.

On this day, 528 prospective students from 38 schools of the city came to the PSU with their parents and teachers.

The Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences Nelli Pfeifer told about the educational process, cultural and social life of the University. 'Throughout its history, our University has made many remarkable achievements. Our leading scientists and ordinary students are proud of being a part of it. S. Toraighyrov PSU is currently ranked 5th among the multidisciplinary Universities of Kazakhstan, we have won many prestigious awards in the field of higher education', said Nelli Pfeifer.

The Dean of the Foundation Faculty, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Ayzhan Kuderina told about the main aspects of admission to the University. She noted that this meeting is the first one in the series of events of a traditional campaign organized by the University. An

Open Day for prospective students from specialized schools will be held in March of 2014. The University administration also plans to hold such events in the areas of the Pavlodar region. 

During the event, prospective students saw a video about Pavlodar State University showing the main trends of the University, the programs offered by its faculties.

A 3rd year student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology Ivan Davydenko told the prospective students about his impressions of the trip to Latvia and his studies at Baltic International Academy under the Academic Mobility program available at PSU.

It has also become a tradition for the best artists and creative teams of Pavlodar State University to give performances during the Open Days.

As a part of the Open Day program, prospective students received consultations regarding the programs offered by PSU and future career perspectives.