Yet another lecture for undergraduate and graduate students was delivered by Zholdas Bertymuratov under the Bilim+ project in the concert hall of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

A lecture for students of the Faculty of History and Law, Faculty of Humanities and Education, Faculty of Architecture and Construction, Faculty of Finance and Economics, and Faculty of Energy Engineering was delivered by Zholdas Bertymuratov, a theologist, specialist of the Regional Scientific and Practical Center for the Study of Interethnic and Interfaith Processes of S. Toraighyrov. The lecture entitled “Ideological Differences between the Hanafite Madhab School and Non-traditional Muslim Sects” was held in the concert hall of S. Toraighyrov PSU under the Bilim+ project.

The purpose of the lecture is to characterize the ideology of non-traditional extremist Muslim sects and the degree of their risk to spiritual security of a human and the state.

In recent years, we see a notable growth of religious communities of various kinds. Unfortunately, many young people cannot distinguish between the religious ideology of the extremist nature and traditional Islam. The lack of religious literacy among the majority young people makes them vulnerable to recruitment by destructive sects and cults.

The Bilim+ project includes measures aimed at showing the historical role the Hanafite Madhab school in promotion of moral values and preservation of national traditions and customs.

During the lecture, Zh.K. Bertymuratov explained the ideological essence of non-traditional Muslim sects of extremist nature, the degree of their conflict potential and danger.

Zh.K. Bertymuratov used slides, photos and illustrative examples to describe spiritual leaders and the methods that they use to involve young people into radical Islamic sects.