A lecture devoted to the Role and Importance of the Traditions and Customs of the Kazakh People in the Field of Spiritual Security was held under the Bilim+ program in the Concert Hall of S. Toraighyrov PSU on February 20, 2014.

The lecture was developed and delivered by the Head of the Department of the Kazakh Language of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Ayman Zeynulina.

The content of the aforementioned lecture was aimed not only at improving religious literacy of students, but also at raising and promoting high spiritual significance of customs and traditions, the legacy left to us by our wise ancestors.

The lecture was delivered to the students of Faculty of Humanities and Education, Faculty of History and Law, and Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Sciences of Pavlodar State University. They got the opportunity to learn more about the main directions of religious associations of modern society, special features of Islam, as well as the spiritual contribution brought to the national ideology by our history and traditions.

After the lecture, students asked many questions that were answered by Ayman Zeynulina and members of the Regional Scientific and Practical Center for the Study of Inter-ethnic and Inter-faith Processes of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

In general, this event, which was held in order to improve religious literacy of students, was informative and interesting, as this problem is among the topical ones nowadays.