A presentation of the book entitled “Innovative Technology in Journalism” (Kazakh: “Журналист шығармашылығындағы жаңа инновациялық технологиялар”) was held in PSU.

Author of the book is Zhumaseit Bizhan, a famous journalist, winner of the prize from the Union of Journalist, prize for Excellence in Television and Radio of the USSR, holder of the badges of an Honorary Journalist of Kazakhstan and For Services to the Region, professor of S. Toraighyrov PSU, senior researcher of Ye. Bekmakhanov Scientific and Practical Center of History and Ethnography.

Zhumaseit Bizhan was among the founders of Pavlodar regional television. He is the author of such books as “Замандастар тағылымы”, “Ардақты елім Ақтоғай” (in co-authorship with S. Magzumov), monograph “Дала уалаяты” газеті (1888-1902): жеке тұлға және қоғам”, over 50 scientific articles, and a series of such TV programs as “Көзқарас” and “Дәуір”.

Growing importance of innovative journalism is considered in the presented study guide. “Innovative Journalism” responds to the demands of the society and meets modern technological requirements. Owing to constantly updated information technology, mass media contributes to setting a socially significant agenda.

According to the colleagues of Zhumaseit Bizhan, he worked in difficult time when it was hard to make the news, it was necessary to highlight particular aspects and give corresponding information. Zhumaseit Bizhan knew how to do it. He didn't just witness those historical events, he wrote this history.

His colleagues, fellow scientists of S. Toraighyrov PSU, shared their opinions regarding the significance and value of this study guide, and wished the author further success in his scientific and pedagogical work.