Masters of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, senior lecturer of the Department of Biology and Ecology Aliya Bitkeyeva and senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages Zoya Klyushina, took a professional development course in Newcastle, the United Kingdom.

Aliya Bitkeyeva and Zoya Klyushina have successfully completed a professional development course under the Program of Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.

S. Toraighyrov PSU masters took professional development courses in accordance with the professional development program for teachers of pedagogical programs of RK universities developed by Orleu National Center for Professional Development, National Institute for Professional Development of Managerial, Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the RK Education System.

According to Aliya Bitkeyeva, classes were held with the use of modern teaching aids, web resources (Newcastle Online Teaching rEsourceS (NOTES)), various handouts, seminars illustrating materials in action, and interactive lectures.

Zoya Klyushina emphasized that high pedagogical culture and quality of courses taught by Newcastle University teachers were focused on the practical aspects of teaching and learning process of students in higher education in general. “Subjects of seminars, tasks on portfolio formation and reflective work contributed to our self-improvement and professional growth. In the future, this should be one of the key factors in the development of higher education”, said Zoya Klyushina.