An extended meeting of the University staff members was held in S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University in order to discuss the Address by the President N.A. Nazarbayev “Kazakhstan’s Way-2050: the Common Goal, Common Interests and Common Future”.

The discussion was held with participation of the University administration, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments and other structural units of the University.

This Address by the Head of the State “Kazakhstan’s Way-2050: the Common Goal, Common Interests and Common Future” is a program document opening a new page of our country's development for decades to come. In this Address, the Leader of the Nation presented a plan, the ultimate goal of which is being among 30 most highly developed countries. “According to many forecasts, next 15-17 years will be a “window of opportunity” for a massive breakthrough of Kazakhstan. During this period, there will still be a favorable external environment for us, as well as growth in the demand for resources, energy and food, while formation of the conditions for the Third Industrial Revolution will be over”, said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Participants of the meeting enthusiastically discussed the main points of the most important historical document of the country and came to a unanimous conclusion that the tasks set by our President should be a direct guide to fruitful scientific activity.

The keynote speech was delivered by the Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Kayrat Battalov who explained the basic provisions, aims and objectives of the Address. The Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor Takhir Ernazarov defined the future of the national economy as a transition from a resource-based economy to a knowledge-based economy. The significance of innovation projects of Kazakhstan universities was explained in the report made by the Director of the Regional Center of Innovation and Technology Transfer Sergey Smailov. Professor of the Department of Agricultural Technology Sembek Arystangulov made a report on the contribution of S. Toraighyrov PSU scientists to the process of solving the problems of agriculture set out in the Address by the President. Tolegen Sarsenov, a second year student majoring in History, expressed his total support of the presidential policy on behalf of the student community.

At the end of the meeting, a decision was made to develop an action plan for explanation and implementation of the Address by N.A. Nazarbayev “Kazakhstan’s Way-2050: the Common Goal, Common Interests and Common Future”.