S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University hosted a seminar entitled “Organization and Operation of Integrated Personnel Departments of State Bodies”. It was organized by the regional department of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Regional Center for Retraining and Professional Development of Civil Servants, and S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The purpose of this seminar is shaping up a systematic view of the integrated personnel departments of state bodies, their tasks and objectives, as well as studying the principles and forms of modern management and the use of labor potential for the long-term development of organizations.

The meeting was attended by the directors and specialists of personnel departments in the administrations of akims of cities and areas, local executive bodies, and members of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The Head of the regional department of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Disciplinary Board Maksut Uteshev made a report on the changes of and additions to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding civil service. “Owing to the current trends and changes taking place in the civil service sector, the role and status of personnel departments have seriously increased. Staff members of the Personnel Departments are no longer considered as employees responsible for doing mechanical work in the field of selection and acceptance of personnel for employment. These are the experts with new functions among which are working with personnel reserve, its training, and active participation in its formation, especially in the field of planning the needs of and selecting the personnel for state bodies”, said Maksut Uteshev.

Associate Professor of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences Alma Musina told about current trends in human resource management. “Instead of the concept, according to which labor is considered as a cost to be cut, the theory of personnel management emerged. According to this theory, personnel is one of the key resources that must be efficiently managed and invested in”, said Alma Musina.

During the seminar, its participants learned the legal foundations of human resource management, personnel training and assessment. They were split into small groups to solve some problems regarding the civil service.

This seminar helped its participants gain knowledge in the field of organization of work of the integrated personnel departments.