The expedition of students of Toraighyrov University visited the sacred places "Kieli Meken".

 The purpose of the expedition is to get acquainted with the history of the sacred places of the native land.  The program included a visit to the Konyr Aulie complex, the burial place of Zhasybai Batyr, the mausoleum of Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov, "Abylai Tasa", Saka burial mounds, the Auliebulak spring, Mount Sakentas and the museums of S. Toraighyrov and K. Satpayev.

 - Young people should learn about their small motherland not only from the Internet.  During such expeditions, students see with their own eyes the conditions in which our ancestors lived and study their history.  Bayanaul is a sacred land where dozens of scientists and artists were born.  Therefore, it is necessary to perceive such trips as a chance to feel the spirit of this region and admire these places, - said the rector of the university Yerkin Sadykov.

 According to the director of ToU museum complex  Gulnara Rakhimzhanova, trips to significant places have resumed at the university.