On Tuesday, March 18, at 2 p.m., an open lecture by the Candidate of Sciences will be held in lecture hall A3.geogr.Professor of the Department of Geography and Tourism Alexander Vladimirovich Bely on the topic:
"Decarbonization of the economy: from theory to practice"
Lecture content:
Modern ideas about global climate change and Kazakhstan 's climate,
Decarbonization of the economy: a fashion trend or an urgent need ?
Practical cases on decarbonization
Areas of employment for specialists with geographical and tourism education while expanding the areas of decarbonization.
Students of 3-4 courses, undergraduates, doctoral students are invited.
From March 12 to 14, 2025, an external expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating will be working as part of the specialized accreditation of four educational programs: 7M04154 Marketing, 8D02301 Philology, 7M04151 Economics, and 7M04152 Management. We wish you good luck!
On the increase in tuition fees
Dear students!
According to the Qualification requirements for the educational activities of organizations providing higher and (or) postgraduate education, approved by order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.01.2024 No. 4 the minimum costs for 1 (one) student on a paid basis must be at least 50% of the cost of the state educational order for training personnel with higher and (or) postgraduate education for the corresponding academic year and based on clause 3.1. of the agreement for the provision of educational services, the university management informs about the increase in tuition fees for the next academic year.
From September 1, 2025, tuition fees for all students (bachelor's, master's, doctoral) will be increased. Tuition fees will be presented in students' personal accounts.
To sign an additional agreement and find out the new tuition fee, please contact the dean’s office of your faculty.
Please come to the dean's office to sign an additional agreement.