The basic principles of biological protection in organic agriculture were discussed at Toraighyrov University.  The international seminar brought together experts from Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Leading microbiologists, agronomists told about the international certification requirements, how the farmer can increase the yield, avoid contamination of crops, etc.

“The Research Institute of Agro-Innovation and Biotechnology of Toraighyrov University develops and implements innovative technologies in agriculture to increase the productivity of animals.  The Institute is actively supportive of the development of organic agriculture in the region, so we invited our partners: the Ukrainian manufacturer of microbial and enzymatic preparations "BTU-Center", as well as representatives for inspection and certification of organic production "Organic Standart", experts from the "ALBI Company", who  help enterprises in the transition from integrated to organic farming”, emphasizes Director of the Research Institute Kairulla Akhazhanov.

Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Toktar Bekseitov told about the scientific support and technologies that are already used in the food industry, agronomy and animal husbandry: growing virus-free potatoes, milk examination, processing waste into biohumus, accelerated reproduction of record-breaking cows, etc.