Students of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University became the winners of the innovation contest of "green" technologies startup weekend GreenTech.

Competitions were held in Nur-Sultan at the new technological location Seedspace Nur-Sultan.

More than 78 projects took part in the event. The main task for 200 young entrepreneurs, startupers, university students was the development of projects aimed at solving urban problems, using new technologies and innovations.

PSU students presented their InFlux project, which deserved special attention. This device is a recuperator - a climate system that provides heat and filters air. The developers note that with its help it is possible to save more than 70% of the waste heat.

“Our goal is to improve the quality of life of the population, reduce heating costs, ensure efficient heat transfer in the rooms and improve air quality through the creation of the first Kazakhstan enterprise to develop air recuperators. It is worth considering that there is no production or even assembling of such a device in Kazakhstan. It's time to fill this niche in Kazakhstan”, the students say.

As a result of the startup weekend, the Enactus PSU team entered the TOP-5, and was also awarded a cash prize - $ 1,500 for training at Seedstars.