The decade on entrepreneurship for academic staff was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

This initiative is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conjunction with the “Atameken” National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The format of the meeting was very different from traditional classes and master classes. It was attended by everyone interested, despite their age and position.

Performing these tasks, teachers moved from one point to another, not knowing the route in advance. It is necessary to show dexterity and imagination in the shortest possible time.

Each answer is a new look at the well-known thngs. For example, the participants had to recall the history of PSU and its first rector, solve logical problems by the quadrant of cash flow, solve a musical riddle, etc.

“We actively and enthusiastically passed detailed thought-out tasks, dividing into teams. It was a very memorable moment that can later be used in working with students”, Alma Musina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, shared.

“The courses are very thematic and interactive, there was a lot of practical work and feedback. I think that such trainings are interesting and useful not only for teachers of economic disciplines. Everyone has something to learn and apply both in further teaching and personal life”, Anara Uyzbaeva, PhD, said.