At the moment, S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University is undergoing the procedure of institutional re-accreditation by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR). During the event, an external expert committee visited the university.

Gulvira Akybaeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences, representative of Karaganda State University named after the academician E.A. Buketov headed the external expert group. The commission included leading national and international experts of the IAAR - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of KarSU named after the academician E.A. Buketov Larisa Shkutina, Professor of the Bulgarian Agrarian University (Plovdiv) and a member of the Accreditation Council of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency Dimitar Grekov.

Representatives from employers were the director of the regional branch of JSC UAPF Vladimir Pitrakov and the director of LLP “Center for Certification of Specialists “Sapa” Arman Abikenov, from the student community the student of PSPU, a member of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan Zhanyl Daken participated in the work of the commission. The head of international projects and public relations Timur Kanapyanov was an observer from the IAAR.

During the visit, the experts got acquainted with the basic principles of strategic planning, management, academic, research, educational and social work at PSU. The commission visited classes at the university faculties, conducted interviews with the main stakeholders of these processes - the university management, faculty, employers, students and graduates.

The experts also visited the practice base, branches of the Departments of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering at LLP “Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant” and of the Department of Agricultural Technology at JSC “Kazakhstan Agrarian Expertise”.

The expert group will present a conclusion following the visit. The results of which will be submitted for consideration by the Accreditation Council for making a decision on the institutional re-accreditation of Pavlodar State University.