Offsite extended meeting of the Presidium of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NEA RK) was held at the S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University on October 22, 2018.

A study tour of the university opened the visit, during which guests got acquainted with the work of the startup academy and saw the latest projects.

The exhibition “Development of the aluminum cluster in Pavlodar region was held in the entrance hall of the university.

The event was attended by akim of Pavlodar region Bulat Bokauov, current members of the NEA RK, scientists, leading engineers of large enterprises of the metallurgical and oil and gas industries.

The meeting was chaired by the President of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bakytzhan Zhumagulov.

The prospects for the development of Pavlodar region, in particular, innovative technologies used in the aluminum cluster, the training of engineers for metallurgy, symbiosis of sectors, solutions to the problems of aluminum production wastes and other issues were discussed during the event.

Professor Marat Bitimbayev, Doctor of Engineering, Academician of the MEA and NEA RK, advisor of the “Kazakhmys” Corporation shared his opinion of Pavlodar State University: 

- I am pleasantly amazed at the university. I visited many educational institutions and your university is one of the best, which is impressive, because there is a symbiosis of science and students, technical and humanitarian development.

A memorandum of cooperation between the NEA RK and the Akimat of Pavlodar region was signed during the event. 

Summing up the meeting, it was decided to create a new engineering analytical center together with the Akimat of the region, NEA RK and S.Toraighyrov PSU.

The meeting ended with a solemn ceremony of awarding with breastplates “For merits in the development of engineering in Kazakhstan”, as well as awarding Bakytzhan Zhumagulov, the president of NEA RK and Temirkhan Dosmukhambetov, vice-president of NEA RK with the title of honorary professor of PSU.

The visit will continued at the enterprises of the aluminum cluster of Pavlodar region.