Ivan Shumeyko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor of the department “Mechanical engineering and standardization”, celebrated his 75th anniversary at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Grateful students and the scientific community of the region came to congratulate the hero of the day.

Gaukhar Akhmetova, PSU rector, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, in her welcoming speech thanked the scientist for his many years of dedicated service within the university.

- I want to wish you big scientific projects that will glorify your name, as a scientist and all your followers whom you brought up. Thank you, that you continue to shape the reputation of our university and that you remain loyal to it!

Additionally, I.A. Shumeyko devoted more than 50 years to scientific and pedagogical activity, a significant part of which he spent at Pavlodar State University.

Many projects under the leadership of Ivan Shumeyko were implemented by the student design bureau for mechanical engineering and power engineering of the university, and over 30 patents were introduced into the production and educational process.