XI Summer Physical School, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies of Pavlodar State University, was held on the basis of the “Bayantau” recreation center.

The Chairman of the Summer School was Professor of the Department of Technical Physics of L.N. Gumilyov ENU, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sadriten Tleukenov. In his lectures, he developed the themes of wave processes in anisotropic media.

Honorary guests of the School, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Serik Kumekov and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Arystan Kudusov told about the problems of theoretical physics and the fundamentals of nanotechnology.

The program of the event included scientific trainings, seminars, lectures, round tables, presentations and discussions, as well as work on excursion routes.

In addition, students and Master’s degree students conquered the tops of Akbet Mountain, traveled a distance from Lake Sabyndykol to Lake Zhasybay, visited the museum of K. Satpayev, took part in sports competitions in volleyball, chess and table tennis.

Let us recall, that Summer physical school became traditional and is held since 2004.