The brain-ring game organized by the Department of Public Services of the Department of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption in the Pavlodar region was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

“The intellectual game is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation of the civil service” Ayagoz Musapirova, the head of the civil services department, noted. - The game provides an opportunity to civil servants to prove their professional knowledge, and to student to test their abilities.

The game was held in the “question-answer” format at a speed. The questions concerned the civil service, as well as the establishment of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its modern history. For example, the players needed to name a person who studied at Pavlodar Industrial Institute, who then headed several regions of the country, the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as to answer questions about civil servants who do not have qualifying requirements, and between which rivers the Kazakh khanate and others were formed.

- Last year the game was held according to the format of the telecast “Leader of the 21st Century”, Ayagoz Musapirova specified. - This year, the game was held according to the rules of the game, the brain-ring. Next time we want to organize a popular game “What? Where? When?”. Only few of the 20 questions prepared for the game were unanswered. In general, all players are well prepared. Future civil servants students actively participated in the game.

As a result of the brain-ring, the greatest number of points scored by a team of students, who won the first place. The second was the team of the regional akimat and administrations, the third place was won the employees of the akimats of cities, districts, and also employees of departments.

Nazym Karabayeva

Photo by the author