In honor of the closing of the season, activists of the volunteer team“La vie Dobro” of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University held a charity event.

During the fair, everyone could buy confectionery, homemade cakes, handiworksby amateur artists, as well as children's toys, stationery, phone accessories and much more.

In addition, the event was attended by masters offace painting. The volunteers organized an exciting concert program and a prize drawing.

As a result of the charity fair, 60 thousand tenge were collected. Most of the funds were transferred to InzhuOlzhaskyzy's treatment. The child has a neuroblastoma of retroperitoneal space (cancer). The remaining funds will be used for social assistance.

Let us recall, that during the existence of the group, volunteers successfully conducted several social and charitable projects. Activists work with people of no fixed abode, families with many children. The students permanentlyprovide assistance in the household, cleaning and minor repair to veterans, homefront workersand pensioners of Pavlodar State University.