A master class on working with children with autism, which gathered specialists in the field of psychology and pedagogy and students, was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The organizers of the event were the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of PSU jointly with the public foundation “The Association of parents of children with autism in Pavlodar”.

The goal was to disseminate and promote the idea of inclusion, which implies the education of children with autism among ordinary children. The meaning of inclusion is to give the child to live in the present, rather than a corrected society, to teach the child not to be afraid of clashing with the world and other people.

According to one of the members of the association Dina Baimoldina, there are a lot of stereotypes related to the diagnosis of autism in the world. So, it is considered that such child does not need a social environment, and they feel comfortable in solitude.

“We adhere to the point of view that autists should step out of the comfort zone, live in a society, master new skills. It is very important to take the child to a new level of communication, participate in master classes, visit various places, always be in contact with the child,” D. Baimoldina said. 

As organizers note, for children such meetings are necessary, as they see a new situation, new people. It was seen in their eyes, that what is happening for them is new, they are a bit at a loss, but nobody escapes or screams.

In addition, future professionals, students, this communication is useful in regards to the profession, it also gives the experience of removing the social exclusion that exists in society.