S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University hosted the regional polylingual Olympiad among schoolchildren of Pavlodar region, organized with the support of the Center for Polylingual Education at PSU.

Vice-rector for development strategy, educational and social work of PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences, professor Arman Akishev addressed  the attendees. He stressed that the regional Olympiad united the most talented and motivated pupils.

"You will become a bright symbol of the promotion of the idea of  polylingualism. Ready to conquer new peaks of knowledge, work hard to achieve the most brilliant results in life and in the future profession. We want to see such pupils as students of our institute.

The main goal of the intellectual competition is to support the initiative to learn languages, popularize multilingual education.

The competition was attended by pupils of 9-11 grades of the regional schools.

The children demonstrated their knowledge in Kazakh, Russian, English, French and German. 

The Olympiad was held in two stages: writing an essay and public speaking on a given topic. 

The jury members were experts from language departments of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, leading teachers- linguists and methodologists of the city schools.

The victory at the regional level was for participants a ticket to the republican stage of the Olympiad.