On the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression, series of events dedicated to this sad event were held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Well-known political scientists, historians and representatives of the city authorities of Pavlodar spoke about historical background of a truly tragic period in the history of not only Kazakhstan, but also the former republics of the USSR.

During the round table, the faculty staff and students of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, as well as experts from the Department of Management and Political Science, expressed different points of view on the activities of repressed people, including scientists and cultural figures.

The main idea that sounded in the speeches of the speakers was the need today to learn the lessons that history gives us. Participants agreed that this topic remains important and has many "blank spots" that need to be studied.

The House of Friendship became the place for dialogue, which was designed not only to memorialize those who went through the repression, but also to show contemporaries how important it is not to allow the repetition of the tragedy, durig the event the scientists of PSU made reports on the histories and destinies of the peoples deported to Pavlodar Irtysh region.

Head of the Department of Kazakh language of PSU, Candidate of Philological Sciences, professor Ayman Zeynullina, analyzed the causes of repression and forced famine in Kazakhstan, made a number of proposals for coverage the pages of the history of those years.

Head of the scientific and practical center “Mashkhurtanu” Nailya Anafina in her report focused attention on the fates of people of Bayanaul, which are almost unexplored up to now.

Let us recall that under the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 5, 1997 No. 3443, annually on May 31 in Kazakhstan we celebrate the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression. It should be noted that one of the first laws adopted in Independent Kazakhstan was the law "On the rehabilitation of victims of mass political repressions".