The annual graduates fair was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

This event is one of the largest in the university in the field of employment of students, graduates and young professionals. This fair is 15th .

Senior students and graduates were able to get acquainted with the offers of vacancies and internships from participating companies during the poster session and presentations of employers. The students left a resume and passed a preliminary interview. The main goal of the event is to develop a strategy for the development of the labor market for young people, to rearrange cooperation in resolving the issues of employment of graduates.

Top managers of leading industrial enterprises, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, regional organizations, banks, law enforcement, and etc. came to recruit their personnel reserve.

Based on the received applications from 87 enterprises and organizations, a vacancy database was formed, consisting of 250 vacancies. Information about available vacancies is brought to the notice of graduates, and also placed on the educational portal of university.

The head of the Division of professional practices and employment Zhanpeisova Z.M. stressed that the format of the event is constantly being improved, its level is increasing, the number and presentability of participants - both employers and job seekers - grows from time to time. According to Zinaida Massagutovna, an unprecedented number and level of participants confirms that PSU is more than ever close to its strategic goal of becoming the leading center for training personnel in a multidisciplinary structure for work both in the Pavlodar region and in the international environment. At the end of the speech, Zinaida Massagutovna wished all students to find the employer of their dreams.