PSU students became winners of the Republican Olympiads, held at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.

The team of culturologists of PSU "Murager" took part in the IX Republican subject student's Olympiad, in which Alibek Kabylda, Zhamilya Suleimenova, Bayanbek Zhasulan, Damir Sotsialov, Torgyn Kaidarova, Saltanat Mukhametzhan.

According to the team leader Saltanat Aubakirova, at one stage of the contest "Culturology: past, present, future" participants presented the startup project - "School of moral education" Murager"- for which they were awarded the second place and the victory in the nomination "Best innovative startup project". The main goal of the school will be the organization and teaching  the culture and traditions of the Kazakh people to the  youth. For example, courses of traditional education of children, training for future parents and young kelins will be presented.

The team of students-geographers, who took the third place in the overall standings in the Republican subject Olympiad, contributed to the prize fund of the PSU awards.

Zhanerke Kabiyeva, Eldar Zhakipbekov, Alexandra Kucheryavyh showed themselves from the creative side, presenting the team in a poetic form. Eldar Zhakipbekov was awarded the second place in the individual standings.

"The Olympiads teach to compete",  says team leader Galymbek Azhayev. - Our students have been preparing for a month and it's nice to see that they are scrupulous about this. To the creative stage they came very responsibly. Our greeting was recognized as the best. In general, the teams of all participating higher education institution were of the same level of training. Nevertheless, our students showed great skill and headpiece in solving the assigned practical tasks. The jury noted the ingenious approach of our students to solving problem situations.