Pavel Graf, student of the Department of Performing Arts of S. Toraighyrov PSU won the II degree diploma at the international competition-festival “Siberia lights stars”, Omsk.

Pavel got high assessment of his performance in the category "Instrumental genre - piano."

Competition level allows musicians and artists to perform in various genres. So, according Pavel, almost 50 talented performing musicians in this time showed jury, whose keys sound virtuosity.

Student notes that competition imposes very high demands to the participants. Therefore, to really make an impression on the jury members, Pavel methodically prepared and perfected competitive compositions: "I think every performing musician understands that five percent of stands for any success and the rest – is the hard work and many hours of rehearsal".

In this regard, Pavel Graf spoke with great warmth of his mentor Alexey Kuminov: "With all my heart I want once again to thank Alexey Borisovich, who instilled in me the will to win. I played the musical moment Rachmaninov, etude of Skryabina, which are considered generally recognized as "gold standard" among pianists of the world".

Pavel Graf has already become the winner of this competition in 2014, at that time he won the third place. New 2017, Pavel Graf plans to mark with the high level of performance at a music Olympiad in Astana, which will be held at the end of February.