Extended discussion of the provisions of the President’s address of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, regarding the redistribution of powers between branches of government was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Rector of S. Toraigyrov PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Aryn Orsariyev gave a speech at the meeting, noting that today the various social groups want to be more involved in shaping of the public policy.

“The proposed reforms will enable them to exercise this right through a representative government in the face of the Parliament, even though it will lower the pace of decision-making. On the other hand, it will increase consistency in the promotion of the decisions taken. Each new reform will go a little slower, but opinions of different interests of the society will be taken into account in a greater degree.”

In his speech, Director of Strategy and Quality Assessment Department, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate professor of PSU Serik Ilyasov said that now the role of the Mazhilis of Parliament is increasing as a representative body.

“As you know, the changes to the Constitution are adopted in two ways: either by holding a referendum or voting of both Houses of Parliament. In this case, voting of the two Houses of Parliament was selected as a path for decision making. Indeed, the amendments to the Constitution will not bring dramatic changes at once. But in general, experts have quite positive views about the project, which was announced by the Head of State, because it is one of the stages of the political transit of the country in the direction of liberal democratic political system.”

Serik Kurgamysovich also added that the Head of State proposed a month to discuss the offered changes; dialogue platforms will be organized to receive feedback, after which the draft will be put to the vote in Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main issues of modernization of the political system of Kazakhstan as an effective response to global challenges were analyzed by political scientists of PSU chaired by Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor I.Kaliyev.

In addition, the experts of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian disciplines had a discussion moderated by the head of the Department, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor M.Kozhamzharova, and discussed the main aspects of the modernization of the power system as a new stage of democratic reforms in Kazakhstan.