The first in this year "winter" Open Day for graduates of rural schools of Pavlodar region was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university.

Potential students got acquainted with the conditions of study at faculties, representatives of which spoke about the activities in the form of exhibitions- presentations. The crowd in the lobby showed that a lot of clever and talented youth - the future applicant of this year still want to enter the university.

Presentations were made by Ksembayeva Saule, a dean of “Foundation” faculty, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, professor of PSU: "It should be noted that PSU is the first Entrepreneurial University of the country, and today you could get acquainted with the work of a start-up academy of university. Students of Pavlodar State University have the opportunity to attend lectures of foreign professors, go to studying within academic mobility to foreign universities. Here you have the opportunity to enter the military department and receive the military rank in addition to the diploma ", - said Saule Kamalidenovna.

Meeting with students of PSU continued the tour the university. As pleasant surprise for the guests was the quiz, in which they could win branded sweat-shirt of university and gifts. The winner of the main prize - the cell phone has become Victoriya Vasilevich, a student of Uspenka secondary school №1. She said that she is planning to enter PSU:

"I have not exactly decided the future specialty yet, but I'm interested in information systems in the economy, oil and gas business and architecture. Today I have received a lot of necessary information, but the start Academy became the discovery for me and now I'm planning to develop the project and conduct business", - says Victoriya.

By tradition, creative collectives of student Philharmonic of Pavlodar State University prepared concert program for future applicant. "Pavlodar Zhastar Kuramasy" Club of the Funny and Inventive team showed performance for pupils.