The long-awaited premiere of the first in Pavlodar feature film about the life of students, "For your sake, test!” was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

The film is about first-year student Askar, who had problems with academic performance. Before the main character there is not an easy task - to pass the final test, to his father not to sent him to the village. Here his adventure begins.

A press conference was held before the show, where the audience can chat with featured actor. Creators commented the work on the film.

The producer of film Dastan Iskakov told our correspondent that the work on the film lasted about five months, "The project allowed all participants to reveal in themselves new sides. I am proud at the same time, fell gratitude, happiness and a sense of pleasant sadness of what we have achieved".

For the female featured actor Altyn Smagulova it was the first experience of shooting the film:

"In this regard, the project has become a unique experience. This is a great opportunity for people who are prone to acting and felling talent to realize themselves", - said Altyn. 

Alexey Kubrak in the project is camera director, he noted that yet in Pavlodar for a variety of reasons to make a feature film is more difficult than in large metropolitan cities. However, the first full project gives us hope that our city has something to surprise, that their example will show that dreams come true, but you have to try very hard.

Director of the film Nadezhda Sorokina answering the question about the prospect of continuing her creation, "For your sake, Ladder!" said that the crew does not want to disclose all the intrigues, but the main task film team sees in the development of cinematography in Pavlodar through involvement young and active people in such projects.

According to Nadezhda, Pavlodar is famous for talents in different fields of art, creators know firsthand, how sometimes chokes creative person, having no opportunity to self-actualize.

Filmmakers admitted that up to the premiere of they worried how the audience will accept their work, but their fears were dispelled when in the hall appeared real live reaction and applause.

The free access of the film "For your sake, test!" will appear next week.