Aryn Orsariyev, PSU Rector met wirh orphan students and students without parental care.

Traditional New Year is held in order to support students without parental care and stimulate them to take part in life of university.

In his speech rector noted, that university supports students without parental care in every way. For this social group there are giscounts and free studying

- In our tuniversity exist guotas and grants for exucation, got them-you can have feet on the ground and live as you dreamt. Being student you should think about the future,who can you want to be, where do you want to work. Now you should establish connections with potential employers. May be,someone wants to start own business.  To have feet on the ground you need to formulate the goals and step by step reach them. At university you can get not only knowledges in specialty,but also develop leader skills and study how to create projects. In turn, the administration of university provides you with material and moral support. Studying at PSU solves your problem with accomodation for  the whole period of studying and also with meal and transportation. In summer you may go to our sports and health complex "Bayantau", which is on the shore of Sabyndykol lake. 

This year the meeting was in the format of friendly conversation,where each student could ask the question, tell about the problems and come up with a suggestion.

New Year is a holiday when people make gifts, this year is not exeption. And as musical gifts, students saw performances of student philarmonic solists.