Young scientists of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University became the winners of the regional competition "Zhas galym - 2016".

The award ceremony was held with the participation of deputy akim of the region Meiram Begentayev.

The organizers of the contest were YPO "Kenzhekol zhastary" with the support of the Administration for Youth Policy of Pavlodar region.

The nomination "Zhas Master" won Rimma Ualieva, PhD students in the specialty "Biology".

Senior lecturer of the department "Electrical power engineering " Bauyrzhan Mashrapov recognized as the best in the nomination "Zhas PhD doctor".

- I would like to thank everyone who believed in and supported me. We are facing major problems. Due to such a motivation was born breakthrough ideas, modern technologies are created, thee unique scientific potential of our country is multiplied, - said B. Mashrapov

Students of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport Asset Aitbaev Vadim Makeyev, Konstantin Taranchenko Mikhail Dryuchin, Erbol Marx won the second place in the category "The Best Innovative Project". Students offer original technology of production of waste of welded pipes production in the framework of scientific and technical cooperation of  PSU with the LLP "Pavlodar Tube Rolling Plant". Specifically, engineered solution requires deeper options for recycling and obtaining specific popular commercial output: metal furniture accessories, steel wire, manufacturing of parts for concrete products and engineering products.

Feature of "Zhas galym - 2016" was to provide the right to participate not only young teachers, researchers of all universities, research institutes, laboratories, centers, located on the territory of Pavlodar region, as well as representatives of the working youth of Pavlodar region and just young engineers.

The contest was attended by over 35 young scientists from different fields of science: industry, biotechnology, agriculture, environment and education.