Prior to the celebration of the Day of the First President, students met with the representatives of the Center for Analysis and development of inter-confessional relations.

The theme of the meeting is increasing religious literacy among young people, prevention of terrorism and extremism. The event was organized at the initiative Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of S. Toraigyrov PSU and the department of educational work and social affairs of the university.

The meeting was held in the format of a dialogue where everyone can ask questions and express the opinions.

Gulnaz Razdykova, a head of the center in her speech he warned about the dangers of radical sects, on the methods and ways of their recruitment.

The honorary guest of the meeting was Daulet Zakaryanov, head of the Office for Religious Affairs of the region. Daulet Kokanovich congratulated students and graduates with the upcoming holidays, and called for tolerance to representatives of other religions and ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan.

Theologian of the "Center for Analysis and development of inter-confessional relations" Rauan Chinguzhanov said that in our time we need more work on ourselves and improve our knowledge:

"Come together into one nation, we can become one of the strongest and most rapidly developing countries", - says Rauan Zhumabekovich.

According to Mayra Kozhamzharova, head of the department "Philosophy and social-humanitarian disciplines, Candidate of philosophical sciences, Associated professor, this meeting was timely, as now at PSU study representatives from different countries and cities, which are in an unfavorable religious situation:

"We need to talk about religious tolerance to other religions, give a clear idea of the differences between traditional religions and new religious movements. The main purpose of these seminars is to protect students from the adverse effects on the part of supporters of extremism ", - says Mayra Zhanaydarovna.

Also, the students were talked about trust services, which anyone who was influenced by the extremist organizations can contact.

The plan is to conduct repeated similar workshops for high school students.