On the day before at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University finished the first in Pavlodar geographical dictation.

The action was supported by the Office for Youth Policy of Pavlodar region and was organized by the Pavlodar House of Geography and the Department of Geography and Tourism of PSU.

To check the knowledge in geography of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region and the world here came the working youth, students of schools, colleges and high schools of Pavlodar students, teachers and just desirous.

Of the 161 dictation participations 159 arrived in person to the institution to participate in the dictation, including two - from the village Zarya.

Among those who wrote the dictation, not having been in the audience was veteran of WWII Vasily Grigorash.

Grigorash was the oldest participant in the dictation. He is 90 years old. The youngest was seven-year old Resnyansky Elisey, a graduate of the club of young local historian "Dzhurbay" PavGeo.

As noted at the opening of dictation Vice-Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU Nurlan Erzhanov, this campaign not only allows to check own outlook, but also makes it possible for participants to see each other, talk and Kazakhstan education system always distinguished by the fact that "gave” to Motherland graduates with deep enough knowledge about the world.

According to head of the Department of Geography and Tourism of University, Dinara Essimova, to have a basis of geographical knowledge is useful and important to everyone, not just professionals, holders of diplomas of the specialty.

For dictation participants were prepared three variants of questionnaires sheets in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Each had 50 questions. The maximum score was 53 points. For "excellent" the dictation wrote 24 participants. The maximum score won Aybala Ayupova - 51. B student became 70 people who scored 40-47 points.

Honors students of geographical dictation received memorable gifts and certificates, B students - letters of thanks, all the rest - the certificates of participation.