PSU met a doctor who came to our university as an invited expert to the consulting on publications in scientific journals and the development of educational programs in English.

Hafez Abdo teaches at Nottingham Trent University and is the editor of "Energy Research Journal". His presentation Dr. Abdo began with explaining the structuring of texts of scientific articles. According to him, the title is very important for any of the scientific article. "In the article it is necessary to analyze and come to a decision. I while drawing conclusions in the article, we find the answer to the question in title, the article can be considered successful. In addition, you should pay special attention to the requirements that one or the other magazine imposes to the publications, "- said Dr. H. Abdo.

In particular, according to Dr. Abdo before posting an article in a big scientific publication is necessary to carefully align whether the limit in the number of lexical units observed. Furthermore, it is necessary to take stock of how the subject of the article disclosed, whether reliable data were used, etc.

According to Hafez Abdo, one of the main criteria of scientific paper writing is the Ethical practices, such as plagiarism, simultaneous presentation of one article to different magazines, fabrication of scientific data.

Particular attention Dr. Abdo paid to objectivity and readiness to give constructive criticism on the article. According to him, there is nothing wrong in the fact that your article, it draft or pre-press version, studied by your colleagues and gave it an objective assessment in different planes. Such approach would identify weaknesses, to shift the focus, if necessary and thus to obtain an objective result.

According to the guest, collective work on the article, rather on solution the problem, marked in it, not only did not reduce its importance, but rather strengthen its scientific "weight" and increase publishing.