AT the Architecture and Construction Faculty of S. Toraighyrov PSU was held an opening ceremony of the national museum of Montahayev Kaldybay Zhumagaliyevich an architect of the USSR, USSR State Prize winner, academician of the International Academy of Architecture, the honorary professor of S.Toraighyrov PSU.

Montahayev K.Zh. - for special merits in the field of architecture, awarded a high state award "Kurmet", Academician of the East Academy of Architecture, has been elected as the President of the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan in 1996, in 1999 he was elected as the Vice-President of the International East Academy of Architecture (IEAA), "Altyn adam - Man of 2000".

Kaldybav Zhumagaliyevich worked for many years shoulder to shoulder with N.A. Nazarbayev, the leader of the nation, the President of independent Kazakhstan. Many of his creative ideas in the field of modern architecture have been supported by the Head of State. Today his projects have been realized and are situated in administrative and residential areas of Astana and Almaty.

Welcoming the guests, the rector of S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar state university Aryn Orsariyev emphasized that Kaldybay Montahayev was a master of his craft and a leader in the field of architecture. "Kaldybay Zhumagaliyevich made a great contribution to the development of architectural science of Kazakhstan. Did a great work to creative achievements of Kazakh architects were recognized on the world stage ", - said A. Orsariyev.

On the bright creative life of the architect told friends, representatives of the scientific and veterans community, relatives of K. Montahayev. Egimbay Suleimenov, the director of the museum of Montahayev K.Zh estimated the work of the architect with the lines: "Creation survives the creator, the creator leaves defeated by nature, but the image imprinted by him, will forever warm the heart.

Among the exhibits were projects, personal belongings, which at one time used K. Montahyaev and awards.