Students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University met with the artist from India Ram Viranjan.

The meeting was held during the «ARTflight» exhibition of Indian artist and Pavlodar master of watercolor Svetlana Kravchenko, the opening of which was held the day before at the Pavlodar art museum.

According to S. Kravchenko, creative tandem of artists from two countries became possible thanks to her participation in the I International Biennial "Harmony through watercolor 2015" (New Delhi city, India), organization and advising of the International watercolor society (IWS Kazakhstan).

Elements of traditional and modern style of Indian art interweave in the works of R.Viranjan - professor of art department at the University of Kurukshetra. His creative works have emotional and philosophical content, life-affirming feeling and national identity.

Theses of PSU students were shown the guests. There are paintings made in different genres and different techniques - picturesque and graphical still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, decoratory pictures, etc.

"For our students and beginning artist it is a good example to follow and an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the works of such masters see their the techniques, the freshness of thought and originality" - said Department of Architecture and Design, Candidate of Engineering Sciences L.L. Bulyga.

In addition, during the visit were awarded the best works. Were organized several nominations - painting, drawing, designing, etc. 

During the meeting with the vice-rector for academic work Candidate of Philosophical Sciences were reached the agreements on the conclusion of the memorandum. The agreement is intended to develop and implement the integrated programs of academic mobility. Students, faculty and staff of universities will be able to participate in the program. Gaukhar Akhmetova paid much attention to the preparation of Kazakhstan specialists for development the joint projects of Kazakhstan and India.

Within a framework of scientific and educational exchange, they will be able to do internship and practical training, to hold international conferences and seminars.